T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
İSTANBUL / ÜMRANİYE - Atakent Şehit Selçuk Paker Anadolu Lisesi

Erasmus+ School Education

Erasmus+ aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning from pre-primary through to secondary level in schools across Europe.

Erasmus+ aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning from pre-primary through to secondary level in schools across Europe.

The programme provides opportunities for schools to work together with partners in Europe and to develop the professional skills of their staff. Activities support sharing of good practice and testing of innovative approaches that address shared challenges, such as developing basic skills, tackling disadvantage or preventing early school leaving. Activities can foster links with the world outside school and other fields of education and training. Any organization active in the field of school education (pre-primary through to secondary level) in a participating country can take part (some activities are reserved for schools and local/regional authorities responsible for school education)


Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnership projects in the field of School Education

Erasmus+  provides opportunities for the development of partnerships with schools and organizations across Europe to improve the standard and quality of teaching and learning.

The "Strategic Partnerships" allow partners to work together on issues of shared interest during 1-3 years in order to produce innovative project outputs (such as curricula, handbooks, methodologies, etc.) and/or engage in exchange of good practices and new forms of co-operation with partners from different fields.

In order to receive funding, the projects are expected to address at least one European policy objective either specifically in the field of school education or horizontally, in the broader field of education, training and youth. The relevant policy priorities are specified in the Programme Guide.

The following opportunities exist for schools and other organizations:

·             Cross-sectoral projects on issues of shared interest and relevance between organizations from different countries, socio-economic sectors and fields of education and training with the possibility of co-operation to improve teaching and learning;

·             Partnerships between local and regional authorities, schools and other organizations that establish international links and give school issues more weight in local government;

·             Partnerships for exchange of good practices in areas of shared interest with possibilities of teacher and pupil exchanges.




Further Resources:

https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/  (European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme Webpage)


http://www.ua.gov.tr  (Turkish National Agency Webpage)

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Yayın: 04.01.2020 - Güncelleme: 02.02.2023 17:22 - Görüntülenme: 3186
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